Belanja Offline vs Online!

6 May, 2022

You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that’s what it’s like when I see a store. Only it’s better.

(Rebecca Bloomwood – Confession of a Shopaholic)

Di atas merupakan sebuah penggalan dialog yang disampaikan oleh Rebecca Bloomwood, tokoh utama dari film Confessions of a Shopaholic. Film ini merupakan adaptasi dari serial novel bergenre chicklit dengan judul sama yang dirilis 2009 lalu. Satu-satunya novel chicklit yang saya istiqomah ikuti serinya sampai berjilid-jilid. Novel dan film berjudul sama ini mengisahkan tentang Rebecca Bloomwood dan hobinya berbelanja. Saking hobinya, si Rebecca ini sampai terlilit aneka hutang kartu kredit dan harus mencari jalan keluarnya. Meski hobinya memiliki downside, bagi Rebecca berbelanja adalah sebuah kegiatan yang comforting and exciting. One thing I can relate!

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Atiyatna Widyanti
My name is Anty. I recently resigned from my 7 year-tenure as a Customer Relations of an automotive company in Surabaya, Indonesia. As of now, I am at home with 3 adorable kids and a Byronic Hero (read: my husband). The power of writing and the art of creation have been my passion since I was a child. Hello, let's get in touch.

Halo, !


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