Sharing: Bullet Journal Journey

9 February, 2021

In the end, I found a fun way but also need a great passion and focus to do that, that is Bullet Journal. Journaling is actually the way we note everything we need, it is of course so personal. For someone maybe need that to note new receipt and the other one would need it as a diary and many more. It can organized and track anything you would like to write in an coherent way. So, it is obviously a personal organization to schedule things, note reminders, track something and many more task as we need. It really does not matter what kind of book you use to practice it, but for me I like to design it a bit to make it more personal and fun as well. But for me, I like it simple so then I can recall the memories easily.

If you wondering whether this Bullet Journal help my day or not, I (after applying this method for about three months) certainly could say, yes! I really do improve a lot, to do my daily productive schedule and also maintain my bad habit as well. I also easily search something important I note and also get use it as a stress relief. The way I think about the template or design I want will also increase my focus and creativity, which you cannot get in other daily activities. You might also use your superb gadget to start journalling, but for me it would be more meaningful if you write it down on paper. Beside the satisfaction feeling you also can see the improvements you made even for a paltry thing, like your handwriting is getting better or your creativity is getting great.

So, try to start your own now. Do not create any reasons in your head that never been exist yet, so just start it!

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Tika Prahastini
I share everything about books, beauty, lifestyle, foods and other random things inside my head in Bahasa or English. Reach me on my blog or visit the links in there. Feel free to leave some comments for my blog improvement.

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