Analyzing read works We are learning from school bench. By the time of graduation, graduates know how to write a detailed review of literary works written in different genres. These knowledge subsequently facilitate the lives of students studying humanitarian disciplines. What is the analysis of the work and how to write it?
The concept and structure of artistic literature analysis
Analysis of the artwork is the implementation of certain actions in order to determine the methods of expressing ideas and the ideas of the author. In the process of work on the material, it is carried out by certain parameters. A thorough in-depth study is assumed to identify the most valuable information laid down in the text, track the storyline, internal meaning and key idea.
Analysis of the artwork - a task that implies the following actions:
- identifying the main turns of the plot;
- giving evaluation characters characters;
- Overview of the crucible plot events and related circumstances.
Usually the author analyzes according to a specific scheme. He explores:
- The history of creation. Exquisites will help to understand what happened in the author's life at the time of writing literary labor.
- Name. Research in this direction is relevant only if it comes to poetry, where the name often coincides with the first string of the poem. In all other cases, the name will help identify the key idea of the work.
- Genre. It can be determined by it by examining the nature of the presentation of the material, the topic and other features of the text.
- Topic, idea and problematics. After studying these moments, the researcher gives an answer to the question of what the author would like to convey to readers. This can be done by analyzing the problem.
- Composition and plot. To analyze these elements, good theoretical knowledge will be required. The researcher will have to explore the exposition, violence, the development of events, culmination, junction and postposition.
- Conflict. It is present in most artistic works, can be external and internal. It is around the conflict and "spinning" the plot.
- Heroes and images. Analysis describes the positive and negative sides of the characters.
- The position of the author. As a result of the survey, the author's attitude is concluded to the events described in the work.
- Artistic means. When describing these elements, deep theoretical knowledge will also be needed. We have to remember what syntax structures, lexical units, epithets, hyperboles and much more.
An overview of the conclusions that the researcher did as a result of the analysis of the work.
How to make an analysis of the artwork?
The procedure for analyzing the literary product depends on its type. To understand the peculiarities of the process, let's consider how to explore prose, poetry, dramatic materials:
- Prose. In modern literature there are many prose works. This category includes novels, stories, stories, novels, memoirs, parables and other texts. Most often, the future philologists have to analyze them. Works combine such signs as the absence of rhyme and specific descriptions. When analyzing the analysis, attention is paid to the story specificity, the main and secondary heroes and problems affected in the text. The specifics of the analysis of such literature depends on the volume of text. For example, novels, as the most voluminous literary work, require the greatest attention. It is important not to confuse in the peculiarities of plot turns, characteristics of key and secondary characters. It is believed that a full overview of the work can be written only after its fulfillment, but modern students cope with the task after studying a brief essay. The use of several quotes in the text will create the visibility that the researcher read the book.
- Poetry. Under this term implies a short or long artwork, written in verse. An overview of lyric works is significantly different from the prose research. In this case, it is not always necessary to analyze conflicts, major and secondary characters, the name, the author's position - in some poems they are simply not. But such a review requires the mandatory addition of additional points. The researcher must indicate the type of rhyme and poetic size. A more detailed description require artistic agents.
- Drama. Under this term meant plays. This is a special kind of literary works describing the life of characters through their actions and conversations. A key feature of such creative work is a large number of dialogues at a minimum of action. Accordingly, both the analysis itself focuses on monologues and conversations of heroes. Special attention is paid to their experiences, thoughts. When writing such a review, the researcher will have to face a large number of metaphors, comparisons and other elements that the author used when creating labor.
- Folklore. Future philologists should be able to analyze any literary works, are no exception and folklore. This category includes fairy tales, epic, sagas, and other creativity, describing the traditions and history of a certain people. When writing such works, the traditions are of tradition, mentality, religious beliefs of representatives of one or another nation. When analyzing, the researcher displays the relationship between these factors.
The main purpose of the analysis of each of the listed types of works is to study the behavior of the characters, the definition of the main thought of the work and ideas that the author wanted to convey to our time.
Recommendations for writing an artistic work analysis
As we said, the analysis of the literary work must be written after reading it. During familiarization with the text it is recommended:
- Making notes, fixing interesting thoughts and ideas. In the process of reading, some fragments of the work attract special attention to themselves. You can not only record the basic idea of the work, the problem, the characteristic of the characters, but also excerpts of the text that deserve attention. They can be used when writing analysis as a quote.
- Fix the literary techniques used by the author. To set out your point of view and convey to readers an interesting, according to the author, story, it uses metaphors, allegories, repetitions and other techniques.
- Focus on the main idea. Its timely determination will make notes and collect enough material for writing quality analysis.
- Stop on the form of literary labor. Under these terms imply a feature of building text. To prepare high-quality analysis, you need to track the ratio of form and content, check whether there are contradictions between them.
- Determine the goals that the author of literary labor set itself.
Complete the review need to provide evidence of confirming the correctness of the researcher's conclusions.