Do you like making New Year’s resolutions? But do you sometimes find yourself get stuck even before mid year? If you do, I got you.
Well, I used to love crafting mine, imagining a fresh start filled with all the positive energy. Yet, over the years, I started to acknowledge the same pattern repeated: my resolutions often turned into little more than beautifully penned aspirations in my journal, forgotten weeks later as life swept me away. Funny, though... how each year I’d tell myself, “This time will be different.” But it never was.
I don’t know how you see it, but I found myself amusing knowing that I still didn’t give up doing it. I wanted to improve myself, and I knew that I shouldn't play the broken old record. I mean... wouldn't I just be a fool: doing the same thing but expecting different results?
I turned to every piece of advice I could find. I attended seminars hosted by inspiring speakers, read every book about it, subscribed to their newsletter, and filled up all pages in their workbooks. I meticulously detailed measurable and achievable goals, just like those motivational gurus instructed. Yet, the “push” I needed never came. I kept wondering: “What's the secret?”
For sure, I knew that the problem must be in me (well, as usual, it’s easier to blame myself). Maybe I didn’t want it strong enough, I wasn't disciplined enough, and I gave myself too many excuses, simply it was just resistance after resistance.