For everything I am-nya Christian Bautista mengalun lewat Youtube. Iβm in the mood for this song right now.
Pagi ini Jakarta adem banget. Hujan semalam masih menyisakan suasana mendung dan sejuk. For some people they call it gloomy, but for me this is PERFECTO! Gue justru bisa menjadi sangat produktif dalam cuaca seperti ini.
But not today.
Hari ini gue mengizinkan diri gue untuk menikmati cuaca pagi ini.
Gue melirik to do list yang gue tempel di depan meja kerja. Hari ini ada dua deadline penting. Lalu juga harus run an errand karena cuma hari ini gue punya ekstra satu jam to do that.
But no. I donβt care.
I made myself a toast and a cup of hot cocoa. People would normally call it breakfast. For me, itβs a celebration for the greatest gift of morning weather from mother nature. Itβs a gratitude for the perfect morning God has given me.
Sounds cheesy?
When was the last time you enjoy morning breeze? Not while turning on TV. Not while scrolling your time line. Not while talking on the phone.