
Gosip trend 2023 : Old money vs new money look

29 June, 2023

Menurut saya trend dunia fashion itu seperti lingkaran, berputar putar di situ aja. Di tahun 2023, tiba tiba mode dan styling ala mendiang Putri Diana musim lagi. The late Lady Diana,  menjadi acuan dari gaya old money. Tapi sebelum saya bahas soal gaya old money aka orang kaya lama vs new money aka Orang kaya baru 😅😅 , simak dulu penjelasan apa sih old money dan new money biar ga salah persepsi.


● Old Money. Ada dua definisi Old money, versi UK (London) dan Us (Amerika)

Karena tema ini ada unsur ekonomi, referensi yang saya pakai dari sini, menurut penjelasan dari marketbusinessnews.

Old money refers to inherited wealth, which has been around for several generations. The term has slightly different meanings in the ‘New’ and ‘Old’ worlds, i.e., the US and UK. The opposite of old money is nouveau riche, new money, or parvenus.

In the United Kingdom, when people talk about old money, they are referring to members of the aristocracy. Dukes, Earls, Marquesses, Viscounts, and Barons, for example, are aristocratic titles. The aristocracy has been part of the landed gentry for hundreds of years. Contohnya ; keluarga kerajaan.

☆ Old money, in the United States, refers to rich families that have been around for several generations. However, they are not aristocrats.

In both countries, the term describes rich people whose families have maintained their wealth over several generations.

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Amel ArtCraft
Hay saya Amel. Saya seorang pengajar private yang sedang berjuang kembali untuk rajin menulis ☺☺☺

Halo, !


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