Women Founder & CEO Health StartUp Life

🐬windiintan.com🐬   My Happy Journey as a Woman Founder & CEO of a Health StartUp. .

Establishing a StartUp with bootstrapping, aka personal savings funds, can be said to be very reckless, but this is My Goal to become a Philanthropist, a Successful Entrepreneur who Achieves Generosity (immaterial, something intangible, other than material profit of course), to realize My Achievements by Contributing to Humanity which supports Indonesia in the Health Sector, in addition to Education which has been Successful through the Craft and Fashion that I have. .

Luckily, when I was chosen to take part in this agenda, Together with StartUp Founders, CEO, (& C-Level) in the Health Sector, even though our ship is in the same sea, we still sail it together. .

Together solving all Health Problems in Indonesia. .

Hopefully the Health Sector in Indonesia can improve in the Future.!

Here is a little recap:

Nurture to Scale X Endeavor Indonesia X British Embassy Jakarta (UK-Indonesia Tech Hub

endeavor_indo Nurture to Scale #3 Highlights

Nurture to Scale #3 was an outstanding success! This collaborative programme powered by Endeavor Indonesia and the UK-Indonesia Tech Hub (@ukindonesiatechhub) brought together the brightest minds in Indonesia's early-stage startup ecosystem. From October 16th to the 20th, we experienced an event filled with insightful sessions that truly nourished the growth of these budding entrepreneurs.

The first four days were packed with educationally-engaging sessions, featuring remarkable speakers from the Healthcare and Healthtech industries. The grand finale on the final day was the Speed Dating session, where our participants had an exclusive opportunity to meet Venture Capitalists and pitch their innovative business ideas. It was a blast, to say the least!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making this batch a huge success. We hope that the knowledge gained during Nurture to Scale #3 will serve as a valuable asset on your future journey. Until we meet again for the next exciting adventure!

Please visit @nurturetoscale for the full recap of the event!

#NurtureToScale #UKIndonesiaTechHub#EndeavorIndonesia #StartupSuccess #HealthTechHeroes#StartupInnovation #HighImpact #endeavor#endeavorindonesia

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