Happy New Year, folks!
As we step into the beginning chapter of the year, I wish 2025 will be a year that’s overflowing with love, joy, and prosperity for us all. Anywho, how excited are you to embrace this fresh start? I know, I do! I’m brimming with anticipation, and here I’m sharing my approach that has worked so well with me for a couple of years, that I will continue applying this year.
For years, I treated my New Year’s resolutions as a solitary ritual, a quiet promise made to myself. No one around me ever seemed to talk about their goals, so I assumed this kind of introspection was a private affair, something to be nurtured quietly.
There was a certain shyness, too—a reluctance to admit to others what I hoped for or feared failing at, as if speaking it aloud might jinx it or reveal too much. I’d even read somewhere that keeping your dreams to yourself was wiser, a way to guard their delicate, fledgling form.