Unwrapping My Heart - Why I Dont Like People Remember My Birthday

28 November, 2024

This morning, I received a text from my dear friend, and it was such a pleasant surprise. When I left Jakarta two years ago, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her. I was completely caught up in work, packing, house hunting, finding movers, fixing the damage from a fire in the house, notifying the house agent about the incident, and handling everything related to the fire insurance claim that ended up being denied. On top of all that, I had a packed schedule of farewell staycations with my best friends and lunch dates with various people.

I didn’t want to feel like I was leaving for good—I thought it was just a short getaway to clear my head, and that I might return to Jakarta sooner than I expected. That's why I only told a few people.

Her message read, “Happy belated birthday… Better late than never… Sorry yaaa.” I couldn’t help but smile when I saw it.

‘She remembered,’ I thought. That was so sweet. I thanked her and sent a virtual hug.

“Nothing to be sorry about… this is already sweet and warm,” I wrote back. Honestly, a wave of love washed over me, as if I was receiving warmth from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

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