It was on my wish list for months since I found it at @explorer.idn and so here we are! I believe most of you are not familiar with Majalengka, so am I. The thing that attracted me was the terraces, it was so beautiful.
We depart by midnight from Jakarta along the way to Majalengka and arrived by 3 AM at Terasering Panyaweuyan then we keep sleeping on the car until 5 AM and start to trek the stairs. Well, you should have some bread before trekking haha.
Also its really really cold, make sure you have your jacket with you.
Kita gak dapet sunrise tapi berasa lagi di negeri atas awan, cantik ya. Kayak berasa banget lagi traveling-nya. Turun2 langsung pop mie semua saking dinginnya dan air-nya mati sampai jam 6 pagi jadi ga bisa WC yak tapi ada tanki buat cuci tangan.